Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Hi, I've been really busy in the last few days so I haven't had much time to blog. We were out from around 9:00am to 6:00pm on Monday, housecleaning Tuesday, and today we were at Little Red Schoolhouse (our homeschool group) all day but I had time for a little blogging tonight. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are our busy days so now things are slowing down and I will be able to blog more. Anyway, today Mama gave me a letter that her friend's son in Texas sent me . It ends out that he is exactly my age and was born on my exact birth date! He asked if I wanted to be his penpal, and so now I have a penpal in Texas and one in Canada (she has been my penpal for a pretty long time.) Well I'll get back to you soon,

Anna Mae


jenny said...

thanks for sharing about your days. it makes me feel like we see each other more often than we do.

jenny said...

Hey Anna Mae,
I love your blog!!!!!!! I think it was so you!!!!!!!!! I'll read it as often as I can.

Jennie Lou said...

Dear Anna Mae I love your biog!!!!!!
Anna Mae